One step done, Second step begining
Sooooo I can FINALLY state that I am done with school. I am dancing a jig, I mean it only took me over a decade with life throwing curve balls like they were dodge balls I got blindsided by. I can now go from this:

to this:

Now I can work on that to do list, because you know I can multitask but that much. So I sit here drinking a glass of wine trying to remember what was on that pesky list, because you know I loose half of what I write down. 😆
So to do:
1. Beginning editing finished novel. (Be brutal about it.)
2. Finish WIP.
3. GO back and read first novel and see what needs to be added. (Because you know I was harsh in my editing)
4. Find Beta readers for said novel.
5. Go from there. (If I get here throw a party just because)
Above all rememeber:

to this:

Now I can work on that to do list, because you know I can multitask but that much. So I sit here drinking a glass of wine trying to remember what was on that pesky list, because you know I loose half of what I write down. 😆
So to do:
1. Beginning editing finished novel. (Be brutal about it.)
2. Finish WIP.
3. GO back and read first novel and see what needs to be added. (Because you know I was harsh in my editing)
4. Find Beta readers for said novel.
5. Go from there. (If I get here throw a party just because)
Above all rememeber: